We embrace communicating async, so calls can be recorded and watched later if needed. You shouldn’t be expected to attend calls on days you’re not working or on official public holidays, don’t worry about FOMO. If you know you might miss something, ask someone on the team to take notes, record or update you after.

<aside> 📆 Out of Office (OOO) Process If you’re OOO for <1 day, please mark this in Slack as a status update (and timeframe). If you know you’ll be travelling during the workday and unavailable, you should take that day off as well in case of unexpected delays or issues if the team assumes you’re available or working.

If you’re OOO for multiple days, please notify your manager:

  1. Request the time off in Rippling, which’ll notify your manager. Please request at least 3 days in advance if <3 days OOO, or 2 weeks in advance if >=3 days OOO.
  2. Once approved, mark this on the OOO team calendar so the team knows when you’re out (including sick days)
  3. Block off the day(s) in your calendar and auto-decline meeting invites or reschedule them so you’re not being booked while out
  4. Update your Slack profile/status for when you’ll be out and returning
  5. Update your OOO auto-reply email in Gmail if you are customer-facing or interact with folks externally for when you’ll be out, returning, and contacts to reach out to in your absence. And a reminder on Slack to your direct team(s) before you head out doesn’t hurt.

Depending on how long you’ll be out, you should prepare a Pre-Vacation Handoff document to make sure nothing gets dropped, the team is equipped to cover for you, and peace of mind for you knowing that we got your back. Check out the template here.


In addition, feel free to take time off for holidays observed in your countries if it’s something you celebrate or simply want to take. It’s your time off to take and we expect you to manage it (though we’ll nudge you time-to-time if you aren’t taking enough time). For a list of official holidays by country, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the timeanddate.com/holidays/ site
  2. Select your country
  3. Change the dropdown from 'All holidays and national observances' to 'Official holidays'

Company Holidays included in the team calendar are listed below and you’ll be added to those calendar invites based on country/state/province. Check the Google Calendar or Rippling to make sure these holidays apply for your country (e.g. Thanksgiving (USA) applies only for folks in the US) since they don’t apply for everyone. When in doubt, check with your manager or Danny.

Company Holidays